What are the 6 factors that affect an architectural design?

Architecture, defined by, is the art and technique. It combines knowledge, and creativity along with analytical thinking to create such an environment that not only looks good but also a lively environment. The main aim of architectural design is to create a space that is livable and useful for its residents. However, creating such a space is not just about constructing and developing a structure. Apart from building a structure, numerous factors need to be focused on. And, this is what makes a great architectural design.

For example; if you are going to reside in an area that has hot weather, then the architect will design a building with thick walls. Similar to this, there are several factors that influence the building’s architectural design. Before discussing what are these, let’s know what are the principles of architecture.

What are the Principles of Architecture?

Usually, When we hear the word ‘architecture’, the image that we have in our mind is the finished product. That is the structure and shape of the buildings of our cities and communities. But, have you ever thought about how the final product is so pleasing, good in functions, and culturally appropriate?

The answer is the principles of architecture. The principle of architecture guides the designers in architectural design. And this is why the final product is so pleasing, functional, and appropriate. Now, let’s discuss what are the factors that influence architectural design and how tall is a 2 story house

Factors Influencing Architectural Design

Many factors shape the design of the architecture or the building, some of them are- climate, geography, the purpose of the structure, the materials involved, the budget of the client, and the construction system. Apart from this, some common factors are- clients’ preferences, location, and locality. Let’s discuss these factors one by one.

Geography and Climate

Geography plays an important role in architecture. It’s the base of an architectural design and that’s why finding out the location of a building is the first step. For example; the roof style of a building will totally differ from that is constructed in a plain area.

The next thing is the climate, which means the type of weather the area has. By keeping the weather conditions of the locations in mind, architects design the building. For example, if the building is in an area that receives a lot of heat, then the building’s wall will be thick to prevent heat from entering. On the other hand, in a colder climate buildings would have larger windows.

Religion and Culture

For architectural design, religion, and culture is also an important factor. Suppose, you are constructing a religious building, it can be a mosque, a church, a temple, etc, then you must construct it as per their decided blueprints.

Culture also plays an important role in shaping the design of architecture. If your client has some design style, like Greek or Roman, then the architect will change the design based on their requirements.


The client’s budget plays a vital role in architectural design as it decides how the building will be constructed. Along with this, the budget decides the extra features to be added to the building and the type of material to be used. That’s why, before deciding on the design of the building, knowing the client’s budget that they are going to spend is a must.

Social Factors

The design of the building is also influenced by the number of people and the location. In order to make the space friendly and lively, knowing social factors, like demography, population density, and the preference of lifestyle is necessary.

Imagination and Style

This factor is totally related to architecture’s imagination. Architectures are responsible for presenting a different, unique, and new style that the client is going to love. They have the ability to make a simple stair more attractive just by changing the old design into a new one.

Just like the construction, the style and design of a building are also important. As it can make any construction look beautiful and in trend for years.


Sustainable architecture defines a structure that is designed to minimize the impact on the environment along with the inhabitants. The basic aim of sustainability is to meet the needs of both current and future. Similarly, the aim of sustainability of an architectural design is to create a building that is less harmful to its residents as well as the environment. Nowadays demand for sustainable architecture is increasing, thus it also plays a crucial role in shaping design.


Numerous factors, like climate, budget, social factors, culture, etc, can influence architectural design. Among them, some of the factors are beyond our control and some of the factors depend on the client’s preference. By understanding these factors and their influences on architecture, it would be easy to create such a space that client is going to love.


How can social factors influence architectural design?

In order to make a construction livable and user-friendly, one must consider social factors like population density, lifestyle preference, and demographic trends.

How can budget make a difference in the design of the architecture?

The budget decided by the client helps in deciding on segments like the type of material to be used and the construction style.

What role does geography play in architectural design?

When deciding the structure of the building and the materials to be used, the environment and geography play a crucial role.

Do cultures have a role in deciding architectural design?

Yes absolutely, it has. As it ensures that the design is compatible with the locality and the history of the place.

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